Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Zurich is super cute

Zurich is super cute – bought boots and swiss paraphenelia!

Leaving the train station is Zurich is like stepping into Disneyland, but its real. I know I’m all about authenticity, and I occasionally don’t like places that are too perfect, expensive or clean, but Zurch was so easy to plug into (low entrance barriers! Such a plus), and so cute and charming (the scenery and the bankers), that I just have to call it my favorite city so far.

Just so cute! It was authentically Disneyworld in real life.

And it’s protestant, I might add – not that I really really care, but its sorta neat to see a famous protestant church from old-school times for one. Zwigli, represent! I like how his statues always show him holding a Bible. Faith and faith alone, mofos! But I am sure he was not really the most fun guy ever, as most early protestantos were not.

So I manage to get away from creepy snowboarders who aren’t cute in the hostel and go for a walk. I met Oli and Phil, best Americans in Switzerland ever, on the bridge to the Somethin-munster church (I have a feeling that is redundant) and they took my picture with the Chagall windows. I loved them, and Oli’s sister works in Switzerland and they’re from Dallas and they were so effusively kind. They vividly described some bratwurst place that I never managed to find b/c I got too caught up drinking beer at some local bar and writing letters to my buddies. (an excellent suggestion/reason to go to a bar in a strange place to sample the local flava…even if you have no mates with you – mille grazie to miss Blythe for being awesome and doing it first)

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