Monday, January 08, 2007

President of the Internet book

I read this book called the starfish and the spider, and it had a sortof incredibly hilarious part where this early internet dude is trying to pitch the Internet to some French business men, and they’re like, “Yees, but who eez zee President?” and the internet dude is like, “well actually there is no president” and the French are like, Sacre bleu, no president? We will not invest. So push comes to shove, and this guy is just like, “I am the President of the Internet.”
Oh, France.

This whole scenario is funny for many reasons, the least of which being that it all happened in France, the most of which being that it’s really really fun to tell people (or yourself) that you are president of the internet. In a sense, we all are! It feels good. Tell someone today that you are the president of the Internet. You are!

The book itself rules. It had a very cool, Tipping Point sortof thing going for itself. I remember that Dr. H told me that he thought Malcom Gladwell was some young punk thinking he knew what was up with the business world writing The Tipping Point. Famous last words, I think. I was sortof stunned to silence by someone thinking you had to be old to write/understand what seemed like pretty simple and compelling points made by Mr. G. I wish I’d told Dr. H that not liking the Tipping Point is sorta lame. Anyway, I totally dug the Tipping Point, and The Starfish and the Spider, while probs not as salient to everyday experience as The TP (haha), was super cool, and thought provoking in a major way. The part about the terrorists was like, whoa. I dug it! Thank GOD for used books and affordable international shipping rates!
*Gift idea: gift certifs….so useful to me! *

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