Tuesday, October 10, 2006

You guys LOOOVE scarves.

This is what I tell the french children when they as the difference between american and french fashion. Difference between french food and american? Yogurt. You guys love you some Dairy, I say.

I've also been talking a little bit about politics, which is nice. Props to Meredith for working for the good guys!
I just got this quote about the little war that could on terrorism emailed to me, courtesy of Jonny Stewart (Jon without an H, you will always be my guy, hehehe) and the Daily Show news desk:

"Let's pretend this plug is 'Iraq' and you're trying to connect it to the 'war on terror,' which is this avocado. You can do it... but here's the problem: THE AVOCADO STILL DOESN'T TURN ON. And now your plug is covered in guacamole."

This is sorta what I thought when it all started - though now its like, weelllll? When the frenchies ask me if I prefer American or French politics, I of course remind them that their last election was between a liar (Chirac), and a neo-Nazi (Le Pen), and then say hey, maybe I prefer America's way, blah blha, and this is how THIS american feels about this and that. I'm not afraid to represent, and I did have the occasional friend who lost family in 9-11 so maybe french kids need to know about that. And maybe if they have relatives who partied after 9-11 (just another CRAZY, and hopefully exaggerated rumor circulated among the expats), maybe they can see that I did not party, no no, not at all.

I had someone ask me what I thought of the patriot act today - way to be on the ball, french girl! This is all coming on the news yesterday that N. Korea verified that they'd had a nuclear test.
Um, )&%*&%_*()#?!?!
Yikes. So needless to say, I was like, wellll, when it first happened, I was like, "not cool" - but now, I'm like spy on me all you want, just let's not have a nuclear winter.
May the magic karma of The Constitution get us through this one, right?

Yesterday I did the Old Lyon Pub Crawl, and I drank 7 buds in 3 hours and got up this morning fresh as a daisy at 8am. It was a blast. In order to catch our buss at midnight, much in the way Cinderella would have to behave were she on a pub crawl - Holly, Silvia and I speeeded through the crawl and won some major street cred with all the Scottish dudes we totally beat. UPenn, you have prepared me for so many things, not the least of them drinking late and rising early.
I got a t shirt!

I must say I was saddened to not see "St. Louis" emblazoned somewhere on my bottles of Bud. I mean, can't Bud rep its birthplace even if its brewed elsewhere?!?!? It felt somehow wrong to be drinking a bud that was so ashamed of its heritage as to not REPRESENT.

Schalfly would represent. They support the arts!

Oh, i read an article on the RFT blog about O'Fallon brewery -- they're trying to be legit or something. It reminded me of the time that Blythe and I went to the Chocolate Bar had an Ofallon summer brew and subsequently called the number to tell them that their beer tasted like White Rain Almond Shampoo. Since I see now that they're sortof legit, I think to myself, "I bet someone got that message."

I wonder if they thought it was constructive. Maybe they acted accordingly!
Anyway, its getting to be time to go to lunch.
Thanks for emailing me, and join my wiki!! (Can you tell I'm excited!)

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