Saturday, October 07, 2006

Le Fish

Well, me and the ladies all tried to go to "Le Fish" at the reccomendation of lovely Becky from California. Well, "Le Fish" doesn't exist anymore, but we did have a lovely time drinking Emma's tequila and various other sundries as l'aperatif. Gonna have to opt out of the aperatif food, b/c its like, bacon flavored cheetos, as the tradition goes.
Emma has introduced me to putting chilli pepper on the lime when you're takin the tequilla.

V. wise! I have a new preference.
May I introduce you to my international clique? From left to right is Silvia (Italy), Me (Missouri - USA...everyone calls it "The States"), Holly (UK), Emma (Mexico), Doris (Austria). We are fun ladies, and we are tough.

Anyway, I'm off to find out if swing dancing is legit here in Lyon.
Check out my Flickr button over there to the right! How cool it that? It's so flashy and glamorous!

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