Thursday, September 28, 2006

An italian, a mexican, and austrian, an english person and an american walk into a bar....

I don't know what will happen, but it might be cool - and I will get to see it firsthand b/c for the month of october, if not for more, I will be living with a bunch of foreigners. Hopefully I will find some people who will only speak french to me. I think I can count on the Calderos, and Solene, who I will hopefully see more often than never, not to speak english to me.

Speaking of the Caldero's - I'm going to speak in Solene's (the caldero's 11 year old daughter, who also happens to have my birthday) english class. Her teacher is irish, and says that not many of the kids know that americans are friendly after this whole war-business. Ok, cool, whatever, I will be an ambassador to a whole generation of frenchies. I think I'm also going b/c they don't know what school uniforms are like in America and that's the unit they're studying in english class.
Whatever, I love it.

I had the serious blues yesterday afternoon -- we're talking teary-eyed stares at reflections of cathedrals in the river kind of blues. I think I was just overwhelmed with myself trying to be all i can be and coming up a little short 2 weeks or so into the whole kit-n-caboodle of france, europe, travel, living, speaking, eating and having the occasional coffee.

Its just overwhelming and I can't find any folders to buy. Nor can i find an appartment. I'm not sure how i want to fly with that, b/c living for 50 bucks a month is like, sortof a wow factor. We'll just see about the quality of life, etc....maybe I can rent a place for like 3 months at the end of the stretch and really get to know Lyon as a Lyonaisse then, and save up? Do I need to save up? And so the questions in my head begin and I have no answers for them, and i subsequently go a little bit spazzy/crazy. Nothing a coffee and an Erasmus party (= DANCING) can't fix.

My roomates are all very cute and I think we shall really have a time of it once everyone's settled and we all know each other's personalities. I'm just the spazzy american, and that's ok by me, eh? I hope to chill with some american assistants as time goes by - we'll just see what develops. I've sortof given up on taking life in my own hands for the time being as its all in the french bureaucracy's! But soon it will be mine again and I shall go to other countries and be a spazzy american to them.

The oktoberfest for a day plan may be a little dumb. We'll see about the price though!
Ok, I'm going to get some coconut yogurt and think about going to Lyon tonight.

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